Did the eruption of Thera (Santorini) affect the ancient Egyptians? This article examines the evidence from archaeology and ...
The Ten Plagues of Egypt are sometimes argued to have been the result of the eruption of Thera. Does the evidence really ...
A recent discovery off the coast of the Canary Islands has reignited interest in one of history’s oldest mysteries: the ...
In 1500 B.C., when the Mediterranean was densely inhabited by highly civilized people, the eruption of Thera must have caused a shocking amount of physical damage and mental agony on all the ...
The first phase of the Minoan eruption was when Mount Thera blew its top and churned out pumice, a white rock filled with bubbles of gas which is lighter than water. A column about 35km high of ...
The city of Akrotiri on the island of Thera (modern-day Santorini) is one of the best preserved of these Minoan settlements. A volcanic eruption around the 16th century B.C. buried Akrotiri under ...
This tiny museum in the heart of Thera houses frescoes and other archaeological treasures found during the excavation of Ancient Akrotiri, which was destroyed by the volcanic eruption that ...
However, the belief that Santorini was the original location seems to prevail, when considering the Thera eruption. As it caused a massive tsunami, the lost city could have been swallowed in its ...
In Greek, Santorini is also named Thira or Thera. Its land area is 96 sq km ... Santorini has been prone to volcanic eruptions from ancient times. The view of the giant caldera, along with the ...
Three thousand and six hundred years ago the island of Santorini (Thera) blew its top. In a cataclysmic volcanic eruption, thirty cubic kilometres of pumice and volcanic ash buried the island and its ...