We use a buddy scheme with our first year Diagnostic Radiography (DRAD) and Speech and Language Therapy (SLT) learners who are buddied with a third-year learner from their programme. Typically, this ...
Retention of pre-registration healthcare students is a priority in the East of England. These student videos explore a number of the challenges that students may face while they are undertaking their ...
Hannah talks about using available support to manage multiple challenges during her studies. Hannah talks about the key concepts of communication and accessing available services for support. Hannah ...
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Nancy talks about managing a home life and studying away from her home in London. Many students on health programmes end up studying far from home, often this is by choice, but sometimes by necessity.
NHS England Workforce Training and Education directorate oversees the quality of education and training for over 250,000 students, apprentices and trainees across a variety of clinical roles in the ...
Maria talks about her cancer diagnosis taking a break from studies and the support that helped her get back to work. Maria’s story highlights how incredible health challenges can be overcome and have ...
In this issue we focus on the importance of risk assessing and supporting rotating junior doctors from a BAME background and we have released a FAQs document to support nurses and midwives transition ...
The latest brief provides an overview and Call for Evidence of HEE and our partner’s national response to COVID-19. This bulletin should be read in conjunction with our national dedicated COVID-19 ...
Mark talks about the challenges of returning to studying and managing an attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) diagnosis. Mark’s story illustrates some common challenges experienced by ...
Professor Namita Kumar, Regional Postgraduate Dean in north east and Yorkshire, has officially opened a new academic centre which will benefit medical students for generations to come, at the Friarage ...
Health Education England (HEE) is part of the NHS, and we work with partners to plan, recruit, educate and train the health and care workforce. HEE’s long term goals are to: Reform clinical education ...