Te Pae Tawhiti. Te Pae Tawhiti supports NZCER to conduct research that meets its strategic priorities. This work is funded through an annual government grant. A public good organi ...
Ben Gardiner is the Manager of the Professional Services team at NZCER. He manages the support and development of NZCER’s tests and surveys across primary, secondary, and tertiary sectors.
The Teachers of Promise study (2005-2011) was a longitudinal study of 57 promising new primary and secondary teachers from their third to seventh years of teaching. The research aimed to uncover the ...
Rosemary (Rose) began her working life as a science and biology teacher, followed by several years working in teacher education. Rose joined NZCER in 2001 and over the last 20+ years she has led, and ...
Knowing Practice was a study of practice-based learning (apprenticeship or vocational immersion). It involved 41 GP registrars, carpentry apprentices, and engineering technician cadets, and their ...
Mengnan has experiences in providing quality research, analysis and evaluation to support the development of innovative, international best-practice teaching and learning frameworks which drive ...
PhD from Victoria University of Wellington. Cathy joined NZCER in 1987. Her main research expertise is education policy and how it impacts learning, teaching, school leadership and more equal learning ...
Professional learning and development Davina has experience across the education sector from early childhood to tertiary and adult education; as Director of a PLD provider, and Co-Director of her own ...
Sue has an interest in the English learning area and the language arts. She is leading the analysis of feedback on the draft curriculum content for the English learning area in 2022 and the arts in ...
Melissa joined NZCER as Kaitohu Mātauranga/Education Advisor in January 2023. Prior to this, she was a secondary teacher for over 25 years, with 12 years’ experience as a deputy principal in three ...
Of those students entering with University Entrance as their highest school-leaving qualification, 47% are in the 17- 18 age bracket. This is a similar percentage to those holding an 'A' Bursary and ...
Te Urungi is an online assessment for beginner to intermediate ākonga from Year 4 onwards to demonstrate their knowledge of te reo Māori. Featuring over 270 pātai, audio support and full digital ...