Chhogori (K2): is a Medium Format, Direct Drive, Fully Enclosed FDM Printer. This is an entirely scratch design, based on the efforts of the "Hypercube Overkill Project" for the XY Motion System, and ...
Read full article: Courthouse Annex named for iconic judge breaks ground in Seminole County ORLANDO, Fla. – A major Central Florida landowner said Monday it is seeking to annex 52,450 acres of ...
Project Masherbrum (K1 for short) is a Medium Format, Direct Drive, Fully Enclosed FDM Printer. This is an entirely scratch design, based on the efforts of the "Hypercube Overkill Project" for the XY ...
The tour operator ANEX Tour reported that the 20 weekly flights from Russia and Ukraine to the Dominican Republic are confirmed for the winter season 2021-2022. All of them will be made by the airline ...
1. In accordance with the COP decision 10/CP.17 and following the notification from the Depositary, as of 9 January 2013 Cyprus is considered to be an Annex I Party for the purposes of the ...