Developed by University of Michigan researchers, the new OLED is cheaper and more practical for prolonged use.
A Nikon Eclipse Ti-E microscope equipped with a TIRF illuminator, Plan Apo 100x/1.45NA oil objective, and an Andor iXon Ultra 897 EMCCD was used. For comparing the colocalization at the rim of the ...
The Legislature has been asked to consider policy to pave the way for alternative energy, which has led to some resistance from lawmakers ... unsubstantiated statements and contradictory data. The ...
With this microscope, we hope the scientific community can understand the quantum physics behind how an electron behaves and how an electron moves.” Hassan led a team of researchers in the departments ...
The U.S. District Court for the Western District of Louisiana this week issued a permanent injunction that prevents the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the Department of Justice from using ...
Choosing between a mini-LED and an OLED TV used to be simple – if you chose mini-LED, you clearly wanted brightness and if you chose OLED, you clearly wanted deeper black levels. However ...
Now physicists at the University of Arizona have developed the world’s fastest electron microscope to capture events lasting just one quintillionth of a second. A good camera, with a shutter ...