Use our CareerExplorer to find information on over 1000 occupations and Apprenticeships in Ireland. Use the filters to narrow down your preferences. Click on the star to add a course to your ...
Social Care workers help and support people who, perhaps because of their age, a physical or mental health problem or a severe learning difficulty, need support with day-to-day tasks on their own in ...
What you value or your ‘value system’ is a fundamental part of who you are. Your values are what you feel are the important things in life, they help determine what your priorities are and often guide ...
This is a one year course that may be taken by students after completing Junior Cycle. The idea behind this one-year programme is to offer the students the opportunity to explore and discover areas of ...
Provide a wide range of postal services to customers, plus other services such as bill payment, banking services and passport applications. Motivated and passionate about delivering an exceptional ...
This course is typically suited for people with the following Career Interests. If these interests do not describe you, this course may prepare you for work you may not find satisfying. The ...
Supervise the work of office administration or customer service employees to ensure adherence to quality standards, deadlines and proper procedures.
This three year degree equips graduates with the skills to manage our manmade and natural resources. Through a mix of outdoor fieldwork, high-tech laboratory practicals, computer mapping, site visits ...
The Bachelor of Education in Home Economics and Irish is a full-time, concurrent teacher education degree leading to a National Framework of Qualifications (NFQ) Level 8 honours degree. Upon ...
This course is a fulltime, one year advanced course for students wishing to progress into careers in the horticultural sector. It provides education and training for people who wish to pursue a career ...
The Differential Aptitude Tests for Guidance (DATs) are taken by Transition Year students and are used as a supplementary tool in helping them make their subject choices for Senior Cycle. The ...