The programme welcomes: - Representatives of public and regulatory authorities willing to upgrade their skills as trainers and financial education experts - Staff of financial service providers in ...
Sound labour relations bring benefits in terms of productivity, reduced conflicts and disputes, improved job satisfaction, and improved decision-making on matters of mutual concern to management and ...
Women line managers in companies, institutions and business organizations. Malkia is an orientation, learning and coaching package best suited for managers having team responsibilities. Women line ...
Programme and project managers, knowledge management officers, monitoring and evaluation officers, technical specialists, project professionals, professionals from private enterprises, academicians ...
Toute personne souhaitant mieux gérer ses finances personnelles. Le personnel des organisations de travailleurs et d'employeurs, les prestataires de services financiers, les prestataires de services ...
The Value Chain Analyst Certification Programme welcomes: - Experts of organizations with a mandate to promote small-enterprise growth and value-chain promotion (SME agencies, business support ...
Reducción de la vulnerabilidad a través de la justicia social y la protección universal ...