Africa’s total rhino count has continued to increase despite poaching, while certain species in Asia face an existential threat.
Sea cucumbers are echinoderms in the class Holothuroidea and include over 1,700 extant species. Many sea cucumber species are threatened by overfishing to supply the luxury seafood market. Other ...
The IUCN Species Survival Commission (SSC) established the Young Professional Task Force to propose a blueprint to execute the activities from the SSC perspective to achieve the goals of youth ... I ...
In the last decade, poachers have killed almost 10,000 rhinos across Africa to feed the demand for horn on the black market. The IUCN SSC African Rhino Specialist Group (AfRSG) exists to promote the .
Aquatic fungi are a polyphyletic group connected by their ecological features (growing and reproducing mainly in marine or freshwaters) rather than by taxonomy. They belong mainly to the phyla ...
Analysis and engagement with partners working on ecosystem services transactions, policies and laws over the past 10 years have demonstrated a clear need to better understand the legal and ...
Poaching is a major threat to elephants in Asia, although reliable estimates of the number of elephants killed and the quantities of ivory and other body parts collected and traded are scarce. The ...
Of the seven terrestrial species of bears, inhabiting four continents, five are globally threatened and one other has many separate threatened populations. The IUCN SSC Bear Specialist Group (BSG) ...
The Iron Curtain, running from the Barents Sea to the Black Sea, divided Europe for almost 40 years and no activity was allowed in this "forbidden" zone. When it fell in 1989, it left a strip of land ...
Conifers are one of the world's most important resources of timber. If managed wisely and used sustainably, these resources will provide wood for a multitude of purposes, virtually indefinitely.
Have a regional or global approach involving several countries; Build on IUCN’s knowledge products and recommendations, both at the design and implementation stages; Focus on activities that increase ...