This gnostic liberalism, as Mounk demonstrates, demands that personal identity be entirely self-constructed, freed from ...
In the roughly one kabillion words already spent analyzing the American presidential election, Pope Francis has put the ...
In the United States and Europe, there is growing uncertainty about how to counter Putin’s aggression without stoking a ...
Wikipedia has come under fire after replacing its entry on Zionism, the idea that Jewish people have a right to ...
“[Burelson] spent years up to this point transitioning her own daughter into a ‘son’ and has made no secret expressing her ...
Now, most observers have little doubt that the end is just a matter of timing and circumstance. Ten years ago, I predicted ...
For months my favorite subjects repeatedly jumped the queue, delaying my intended memo until the U.S. election made it ...
NetChoice, an industry organization whose membership includes many social media firms and whose mission is to make the ...
Anyone answering yes to those questions is violating their oath of office,” said one candidate who received a survey.
I say “fact” but we’ll circle back to that much-disputed definition shortly. If ever a week convinced ... to voice their ...
Here at the opening I would like to thank Jeff LeJeune for the video of Christopher Lee he dug up (posted at The Hayride on ...