Scientists have stated that there is growing evidence suggesting humans are descendants of the biblical figures Adam and Eve.
Jurassic World Alive is a new AR game coming out in spring by the same game developers as Jurassic World The Game Ludia. And looks to play similarly to Pokemon Go.Find out more here: <a href=" have ...
They’ve lived through the ice age, the asteroid that wiped out the dinosaurs and brushed off an atomic blast just a mile away ...
Scientists have long puzzled over how pterosaurs became the first vertebrates to master flight. Some pterosaur species, such ...
Evolution is often depicted as a steady forward march from simple to complex forms. But new research shows that certain ferns ...
Ginkgo Biloba&#039s lineage dates back more than 290 million years to the Permian period, even predating the era of the ...
Scientists have long puzzled over how pterosaurs became the first vertebrates to master flight. Some pterosaur species, such as the Quetzalcoatlus ...
The fossil was unearthed in the Los Blanquitos Formation near Amblayo, in the north of Argentina. It dates to between 75 and ...
After unlocking the secrets of DNA, the Nobel prize-winning biochemist traded in his centrifuge for a life of wine, women, ...
Evolution is often depicted as a steady forward march from simple to complex forms. But new research shows that certain ferns can evolve “backward” ...