The term “governance” has become so widely used that it has lost much of its impact and precision. Originally, governance referred to the frameworks and processes for formalized and effective ...
The term “governance” has become so widely used that it has lost much of its impact and precision. Originally, governance… ...
As organizations rush headlong into digital transformation initiatives, a critical factor often gets overlooked: data quality. In the race to implement cutting-edge technologies and overhaul business ...
There is no nationwide federal law in the U.S. that specifically regulates the development, deployment, and use of AI in the private sector. (This contrasts with AI use in U.S. federal agencies, as ...
When I finished my last article, “Metaphors, Meadows, MUNCH, and Models of the Large Language Kind,” I stated my intention to follow up with Part II. I would cover whether a knowledge graph’s ...
I call it a “data crime” when someone is abusing or misusing data. When we understand these stories and their implications, it can help us learn from the mistakes and prevent future data crimes. The ...
In the digital age, businesses rely on high-quality, easily accessible data to guide all manner of decisions and encourage growth. However, as a business grows, the way the organization interacts with ...
The term “governance” has become so widely used that it has lost much of its impact and precision. Originally, governance… ...
Data centers are increasingly necessary in today’s digitally dependent world. However, these specialized facilities are incredibly resource-intensive, requiring the professionals… ...
Part I When I finished my last article, “Metaphors, Meadows, MUNCH, and Models of the Large Language Kind,” I stated… ...
You would think that after knocking around in semantics and knowledge graphs for over two decades I’d have had a… ...